Poetry Coaching

If you write poetry regularly, or even occasionally, you are a hero in my eyes. You deserve to have your work taken seriously and your creativity celebrated. You deserve to be heard.

Whether you started writing poetry just this year or you’ve been writing all your life (and telling people it’s “just a hobby”) or you once earned a writing degree and are reclaiming your creativity after a hiatus, you deserve thoughtful feedback and inspiring prompts. Whether you’re preparing a manuscript for contests or planning to self-publish, you deserve insightful comments and practical revision strategies—so you can submit to publishers or share with friends work you know is your absolute best.

If you’re ready to hone your craft and to revise and deepen your work, poetry coaching is for you.


Poetry coaching is one-on-one guidance that feeds both the poem(s) and the writer, that reinvigorates the work and the writer’s enthusiasm for it, and that sparks new creative output. Poetry coaching empowers poets to find and grow their voices by helping them to recognize their current strengths and by introducing them to new techniques and possibilities.


Starts at $140 per month

Want to read and write more poetry? Not just any poetry, but poetry that pushes you forward as a writer and a human.

Are you tired of prompts that give you a fun exercise (like “write a sonnet about a reptile”) but gloss over the nuances of metaphor? Would you like a little guidance in exploring the craft of poetry AND the complex emotions that show up during our creative endeavors? Are you ready to experiment? Ready for a little encouragement and accountability?

We all need structure and freedom in order to draft meaningful new work. I’ve designed my coaching practice to give you an ideal mix of both. And you don’t have to write into the void; I’ll be here to read your poems and support your experimentation and revision.

This is coaching that addresses both the craft and the messy human business of writing. Each month’s pdf will guide you through a brief but eclectic reading list and present you with a poetry challenge (a prompt with a clear purpose) to launch a new draft and/or a revision. You’ll send your work to me for encouraging and insightful feedback in a format that works for you (I offer emailed letters, one-on-one Zoom conferences, and draft comments).


Journal Submit Jumpstart

Whether you’re just working up the gumption to send your first submission to a journal or you’re a rejection letter veteran feeling stuck and frustrated, I’m here to help—and to bring some friendly pragmatism to your journal submit journey. I’ll help you to gain a better understanding of the editorial process, build “successful writer habits”, and learn to identify journals that are good fit for you and your work. Package ($250) includes:

--a pdf of my journal submit toolkit to help you clarify the values and goals that will guide your process

--templates to help you build your own cover letter and submission tracker

--a one-on-one Zoom conference with me

--a behind-the-scenes tour of my own journal submit strategy

--6 months ongoing support from me

Manuscript Development

Whether you are just starting to assemble a chapbook or working to revise an existing manuscript, poetry coaching can help you deepen and enrich both individual poems and the manuscript as a cohesive whole. Coaching will also help you develop awareness of your own writerly strengths and sharpen your self-editing skills.

Chart Your Chapbook

$420 for manuscripts of 10-30 pages   

A chapbook should be brief enough devour in a single afternoon, but rich enough to savor and reread for several days. Even more so than a full-length collection, a chapbook needs a clear and focused center.

-A toolkit of questions and exercises I’ve developed to help you explore and articulate your manuscript’s heart and purpose

-An editorial letter on exploring how your poems work together and how they might be pushed towards an even more powerful arrangement

-Manuscript comments and sample line edits to illustrate key points from your editorial letter

-Practical strategies for revising individual poems

-Suggestions for where to submit not-yet-published poems and the chapbook as a whole

You can purchase an optional Zoom conference ($100) to discuss your manuscript as a whole or any individual poems.

Full Manuscript Review

$14 per page (40 page minimum)

Putting together a full length poetry collection is too often an overwhelming and lonely endeavor. Coaching can help you identify and tackle the challenges unique to your manuscript. My job is to ask door-opening questions and to guide you in balancing the subtle details and the big picture.

-A toolkit of questions and exercises I’ve developed to help you explore and articulate your manuscript’s heart and purpose

-An editorial letter exploring how your poems work together as a whole and how they might be pushed towards an even more powerful arrangement

-Manuscript comments and sample line edits to illustrate key points from your editorial letter

-Practical strategies for revising individual poems

-Suggestions for where to submit not-yet-published poems and the manuscript as a whole

You can purchase an optional Zoom conference ($100) to discuss your manuscript as a whole or any individual poems.

Small Group Coaching

I’d love to host a custom workshop for you and your friends. Bring up to 5 friends for a virtual generative or revision workshop with me. Workshops can run from 1-6 weeks and will be arranged around your group’s schedule (and mine). Rates start at $25 a session per writer.

Poet’s Toolkits

I craft poetry toolkits to guide writers through the process of revising (and re-envisioning!) their drafts. These downloadable pdfs are a budget-friendly, self-paced option for those who want to grow their skills and develop their work without deadlines or feedback.

Mission Statement

I strive to offer writers guidance that affirms the worth of the creative endeavor (however messy, partial, or mysterious it might look on the page) and feedback that acknowledges the efforts and skills of the individual writer and promotes their creative growth. I craft honest, heartfelt, and encouraging advice that makes space for creative risk-taking and treats writing as a practice, not a product.

I work with poets of all skill levels and from all walks of life.  I don’t provide coaching or feedback for writing with hateful (racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant etc.) content.


How is poetry coaching different from taking a writing class?

Writing classes are great way to hone your skills and meet other writers, but writing classes are typically designed for groups. Everyone in a writing class gets the same reading assignments and the same prompts; meanwhile, the instructor’s attention is divided among a dozen or so students, which often limits the amount of feedback each student can receive.

Poetry coaching is designed around you. You’ll get extensive written feedback on each set of pages you turn in. I’ll also give you unique reading and writing assignments based on your needs, skills, goals, and interests.  

Poetry coaching is a good alternative to a writing class for some poets (especially sensitive and introverted types or those who can’t find a class that fits their schedule). If you’ve already got a writing group or class that you love, poetry coaching can be a nice addition—like ice-cream on pie.

How is poetry coaching different from getting a manuscript critique or copy edit? What kind of feedback can I expect from you?

A typical editor focuses on improving a piece of writing, usually with the goal of preparing it for publication. They often request or require specific changes to the text. Editors help writers identify and fix weaknesses or problems in piece of writing; they can also help writers expand or amplify strengths. But editors’ main concern is the text itself.

As a poetry coach, I’m focused on your growth as a writer, as well as on the poems themselves. I believe that my first task is always to listen to your poems—and to help you hear what they have to say and how they are saying it. My feedback is intended to help you see where and how your poems are already thriving, and also where and how you can strengthen them. When I suggest line edits, my purpose is to help you explore possibilities for revision, not to dictate changes. I also offer questions and prompts to inspire new work.

Here’s how clients describe my coaching:

Ceridwen Hall maps a manuscript in a way that is truly unique. She’s helped me see new and exciting patterns in my work thanks to an approach that is both nurturing and rigorous. I am so grateful for her thoughtful insight. A dream to work with! —Kim Sunée, author of Trail of Crumbs: Hunger, Love, and the Search for Home

Over the years, I have benefited from much support and good advice from teachers from all corners, but none more startling than that gifted me by Ceridwen Hall.  In responding to my recent manuscript, she not only appreciated it for its strengths, and acknowledged them, but she was also able to explain to me how my writing, as currently approached, was closer to story-telling than poetry (my words, not hers), closer to flash fiction and other genres.  From that acceptance of who I was as a writer at that moment, she was able to provide a guide to open a path to the broader variety of approaches available to me.  It wasn’t a ‘how-to’ but a ‘consider this’, all of which allowed me to tip-toe towards an out-and-out, evolution in my writing.  It was if I was a painter working exclusively as a Realist artist, not by choice but by ignorance and she introduced me to the possibilities, say, of Representation Art, perhaps even Impressionism.  Imagine that.  I am, obviously, grateful. —C.S. Nelson

My experience with the manuscript evaluation was very beneficial for me to think about how to focus my writing around succinct topics. I received so many clear examples and author references that I will be referencing often moving forward. I highly recommend Ceridwen's services as her feedback digs deep into not only your writing but the intent you want your reader to take away. —Jamie-Lee

How would you describe the poets you work with?

My clients are some of the most thoughtful and dedicated writers I’ve ever met; they understand the transformative power of creative work and they know writing is a process, not just a product. Some of my clients are well-published and others are seeking their first publication, but they are all committed to deepening their works-in-progress. It’s an honor to work with each and every one of them.

Do you work with teenagers?

I’m always delighted to work with teenage poets! I coach poetry writing, not essay writing; I do not offer tutoring or homework help services.

Do you work with seniors?

I love coaching poets who start (or keep) writing in their 60s/70s/80s/90s and beyond!

Will poetry coaching involve a complicated online platform?

I try to keep things simple. We’ll use email to send work back and forth; you can share your poems in a Word doc or Google doc.

What forms of payment do you accept?

I accept payment through Venmo and Paypal.

I think I would like poetry coaching, but I’m nervous about sharing my work. How can I test the waters?

I get it. It can be really nervous-making to seek feedback on your creative work, especially if you’ve been hurt by critical feedback in the past. My purpose as a poetry coach is to create a safe arena for creative growth; it’s an honor every time a poet decides to trust me with their work.

You can sign up for my newsletter to learn more about how I approach poetry. Or you can read my Nourishing Feedback Manifesto.

You can also check out this list some of my favorite books about writing and creativity.

Do you offer refunds?

I do not offer refunds for completed packages (i.e. for feedback and prompts already delivered).

What about ...?

If I haven’t covered your question in the FAQs, ask me here.

Where do I start?
